2 August 2013

Reality is in the Pictures (Or what I did not post for the stash contest, part one)

Those of you who have been reading me for a while realize that I do not love taking pictures, particularly of myself.  This means that although I have sewn a gazillion yards of fabric in the last two months, the reality is that I did not take or post pictures for reviews for the Stash Contest.

I know, bad bad bad. Particularly when I probably sewed enough fabric I would have been in the running to win.  I have won this contest before;  I do not need to win.  I need to see the bottom of the sewing room floor and be able to put everything away.  I need to use the stylearc patterns I have purchased.  I need to update my wardrobe.  These are my goals.  And, these are the goals I do think I managed to achieve.

So, dear reader, here is round one of the pictures.  I promise there are more items than this; I just have to rescue them from the wash.

Spinning Wheel Cover--4 1/2 yards
Ottobre T-shirt 1 yard
4 gore skirt- 1 yard
These did not make the 'keep me' cut!
The neck on the T-shirt is too high on me.
The skirt is just not flattering.
Exercise will do that. 

Ottobre T-Shirt--neck lowered,
but is still too high--1 yard
Variation 1--Alabama Chanin Tank Top--1 Yard
I wear this one a lot. 
Alabama Chanin Tank, Verion 2, 1 yard
I love this one more,
but the fabric is weird to the touch. 

Loes Hinse Dress--3 yards
Have to say that I love this silly thing!
Very 80s style, though.

Variation of Style Arc
False Front cardigan with a
Drafted Facing.
1 1/2 y
Bottom line: read the directions!
Did not make the cut, because of the fabric colour.
My friend loves it 
Alabama Chanin Tank Version 3
1 yard
Style Arc skirt--2 yards
I wear both of these a lot

Alabama chanin Tank Dress
1 1/4 yards
Love this silly thing!
Style Arc Capris, without the buttons.
1 yard
This fabric was really stretchy, and
I took them in three times.
Wear them, but they don't work
in my wardrobe (more about that later).

Style Arc Capri pants, just lengthened 7 inches.
1 1/4 y
I wear them, but the fabric stretches out like
Crazy!  They look like preggy pants
at the end of the day.  

Style Arc Caite Top, 1 yard
I wear this, but I am not convinced it is
flattering. It does, however, fit.  

Style Arc Kim Cruise Dress, shortened 4"
1 yard fabric, 1 Yard lining.
Fits well, not my colouring.
(Seeing a pattern here, dear reader?)

Style Arc Leggings
1 1/4 yards
Strech Fleece
Love love love these,
even if it is 95 degrees in the shade here. 
Style arc Capri Pants, dark grey,
1 1/4 y
Wear these a lot, all the time.

So, this is round one of the 'what I did not post for the contest'  posts.  Yes, there was more sewing.  This is about a third of what I made.  There are still 3 maxi dresses, several pairs of legging shorts, denim capris, a jean jacket,  and at least 4 tank tops which have to be rescued  from the wash to take pictures on Judy.

What I will say at this point, however, is that my effort to make my summer wardrobe more light and bright was not my best wardrobe planning move (although my friend who loves loves loves those colours is really happy right now, since she is getting all my cast offs).  She looks amazing in the zigzag dress, and the light grey stuff works well with everything she owns.  Light bright and spring are her colours.  The deepest colour she wears is the bright blue.  So, she gets about 7 things to take home from this sewing exercise.  Still it is sewing fabric out of my stash.

I wear deep and dark and high contrast.  Plum, teal, steel blue, denim blue, deep grey, black, with larger more definitely black and white prints work in my wardrobe.  About the lightest I should go is the deep bright blue and bright pink (hot pink).  Even then, a darker intensity of the colour is better.  When I lined everything up on the rolling rack, the song that kept going through everyone's mind looking at the tan pants, and the light blue capri pants  was: some of these things are not like the others.  Some of these thing just do not belong.  And, that was the reality when I got dressed every day.  The denim capri pants got worn.  The light blue ones did not.

More later.